spell checking in activities (was Re: xo activity idea)

S Page info at skierpage.com
Sat Dec 6 05:18:20 EST 2008

> Yifan <yifan.sun at students.olin.edu> writes:
>> I had an idea for an activity, something like a write activity with a
>> constantly updating spell checker that displayed spelling suggestions as you
>> typed

Which raises the question: What happened to the spell checking that used 
to be in the Write and Browse activities?  Trac bugs 5394 and 6099 
suggest Write and Browse used to spell check but did not have a context 
menu for alternatives.  Now on my XO running 8.2.0 neither highlights 
mis-spelled words.  Is it intentional the feature went away in both?

The only spell checking application on my 8.2.0 XO is Firefox, using its 
own local en-US dictionaries and a personal dictionary in 
~/isolation/blah/.mozilla.  I believe the underlying libraries for all 
three activities use the same Hunspell engine and could share a common 
dictionary (Trac 6104).

Bastien wrote:
> When designing a spell-checker, we should keep in mind that the
> spell-checker should always suggest correct spellings, and never
> underline errors.

I disagree.  I think the standard "red dots" spell checking that AbiWord 
and Firefox do is extremely useful.

=S Page

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