Fedora 10 on XO

Ed McNierney ed at laptop.org
Fri Dec 5 07:22:06 EST 2008

Chris -

Thanks; I think your thoughts are rather similar to mine and I am trying to
get information on what the actual user need (or perceived need) is.  While
there are obvious storage and RAM constraints involved, we need to be sure
we're providing what most users will want (users of this desktop, of

Thanks to everyone else, too, who is contributing to this discussion, as
it's very important to move this topic into the real world of "what is
possible, what would it look like, and what compromises would we have to

    - Ed

On 12/4/08 10:08 PM, "Chris Ball" <cjb at laptop.org> wrote:
> I agree that the choice is yet to be made and isn't totally obvious.
> I prefer using GNOME, but our current answer for "How much disk space
> does it require to run Fedora 10 and GNOME and apps?" is "a 4GB SD card
> and 256M of swap", so it seems hard to get there from here.  Maybe we
> can run GNOME and some tiny set of apps without blowing the NAND budget,
> though..
> - Chris.

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