Info on developer key request page on XO

Chris Ball cjb at
Tue Dec 2 15:37:14 EST 2008

Hi Ed,

   > Folks - I'm investigating steps that can make it easier to get
   > developer keys for XOs for users who desire them.  At the moment
   > the developer key request page at file:///home/.devkey.html
   > contains content that is retrieved (in an IFRAME) from the
   > server (as well as pulling a stylesheet from
   > it).  Is there a particular reason for this approach as opposed to
   > making some or all of that content static and local to the XO?

My recollection of the reasoning is that we had a short time (before the
original G1G1 image deadline) to pull this together, and decided that
it's much more flexible to fix bugs and handle translations and giving
instructions on devkey installation on the server-side, rather than
needing to preload them all ahead of time.  Scott will know more, since
he did the work.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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