Trac conventions & reports update.

Simon Schampijer simon at
Wed Aug 20 04:34:28 EDT 2008

Michael Stone wrote:
> Folks,
> I put in some time on Trac today by updating report 28 (blockers) so
> that it shows you the 'next action' field, creating reports 29 (proposed
> blockers) and 30 (polish) based on 28, and touching up [[Trac
> conventions]] and [[Trac queries]]. Finally, I added two new 'action
> needed' entries: "reproduce" (for when you're trying to get a
> reproduction recipe for an issue) and "testcase" for when you need
> someone to write a testcase in order to continue with packaging.
> Any other updates that people would like?
> Michael
> P.S. - Marco -- what default component and milestone do you actually
> want?

 From my point of view - you should be forced to set a component - but 
there should be an option to set it to 'Sorry - really don't know'. 
Setting the milestone should be up to the maintainer. I guess setting it 
to 'Retriage Please' would be ok.

Another note is - that the 'Control Panel' component has been added 
without any notifying. Those bugs should go into the sugar component 
since it is part of sugar. I would be very happy if this addition would 
be reverted.


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