Please help test our new 8.2.0 weekly beta, joyride-2263!

Ton van Overbeek tvoverbeek at
Thu Aug 7 15:37:31 EDT 2008

Michael Stone wrote:
> We are thrilled to announce a new test build, joyride-2230, valid until
> Wednesday, August 13.
> Please help test it according to the detailed instructions at
> while we still have time to fix issues you might find!
> Our specific interest this week continues to be activity compatibility: 
>   "Does your favorite activity still run on joyride-2263?"
> Currently known issues are recorded at: 
> New issues should be filed in our bug-tracking system (
> according to 
> or by notifying us by other means.
> Thanks!
> Michael

A pity you did not choose joyride-2266 ;-).
Joyride-2263 still has issues when booting from USB or SD with a virgin 
devel-ext3 image.
In that case (no Activities included in the image) the initial 
software-update aborts (See trac #7845).
This is fixed in joyride-2266.
I have not been able verify it yet, but even the not working screen 
rotation might have been fixed in 2266.

On the other hand I know you have to pick a build, and with the rate of 
new builds being produced
in all the streams Tinderbox is falling far behind: i.e. joyride-2266 
finished at about 3:07 UT today and
Tinderbox started testing it at 18:31 UT more than 15 hours later. I do 
not know if you can throw
better/faster hardware at tinderbox, but it might be worth considering 
with the current build rate
on several streams at once.

Anyway I'll file my reports on joyride-2266 if you do not mind ...

Ton van Overbeek.

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