[sugar] Question about clipboard service

Bastien bastienguerry at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 6 16:52:14 EDT 2008

"Eben Eliason" <eben.eliason at gmail.com> writes:

>> When the activities will re-open in the same shared-state they were when
>> closed, it might be very useful have a function to let A and B check for
>> diffs and merge their two versions - without doing manually.
> It still sounds like a decent step forward to me, even without
> automatic merge assistance.

Yes, it is, and the step-by-step receipe you provided is very useful.
I'll but this on the (informal) FAQ I maintain for haitian deployment.

> We should probably come back to it once we actually have the rest of
> the collaboration details taken care of.  We don't want to complicate
> things until that works predictably.

Fair enough!



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