2230 and updating browse

Christoph Derndorfer christoph.derndorfer at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 17:28:14 EDT 2008

It's getting hard to keep track of the various issues that people are and
aren't having these days... ;-)

Have you tried updating via the Sugar Control Panel - Software Updates
function? This is a relatively new feature and it seems to work pretty well
for me so far...

Bert's script was really more of a stop-gap solution.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Jacob Haddon <thaesa at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have installed joyride 2230 on my XO. I used Bert's joyride python script
> to get the newest versions of the activities, which worked for all but one.
> It does not seem to want to update browse from 88 to 94. Unfortunatly it
> gives no error, just "Error: " and empty space.
> I deleted the downloaded Browse-94.xo file and retried, same result.
> two questions, can i force the XO file to 'install'? and did anyone else
> have this issue?
> -j
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Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christoph at olpcnews.com
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