Potential Rainbow changes for #6797 and improved compatibility.

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Thu Apr 24 19:42:33 EDT 2008


Pursuant to issues raised in #6797, I'm trying to figure out whether the
module-preloading hack can be chivvied into a releasable state.  Having
written several tentative patches to this effect, I've decided that I
might as well christen the code-review [1,2,3] list that Ivan set in his
last days here. (As I understand it, the idea was that we should really
be soliciting reviews on all our code [Sugar team++] but that the
envisioned patch volume might make devel@ too hard to follow.)

Please comment.


[1]: http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/code-review
[2]: http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/code-review/2008-April/thread.html
[3]: code-review at lists.laptop.org

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