[Community-news] on Sugar

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Wed Apr 23 18:23:54 EDT 2008

At Wed, 23 Apr 2008 23:47:09 +0200,
Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> 2008/4/23 Korakurider <korakurider at gmail.com>:
> >  So I am assuming the policy would apply to effort porting activities to windows.
> >  But this should make us much slower...
> Not necessary. Application developed within Squeak/Smalltalk will for
> most of them do not need any porting effort.

  Not necessarily, yes.  But if they want to have a layer on top of
Windows, and require the COM interface and blah-blah-blah, making
Squeak play nicely with it wouldn't be too effortless.

-- Yoshiki

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