Internet wide chat

C. Scott Ananian cscott at
Mon Apr 21 12:32:14 EDT 2008

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Chris Ball <cjb at> wrote:
>    >  - They asked if video chat is possible.  I recall someone was
>    > working on it months ago.  What is the current status?
>  We need two things:  a codec that we can encode and decode in real-time
>  (the demo from 2006 used h.263) and a transport layer -- I think we have
>  a UDP transport for Salut, but not for Gabble, so video chat would be on
>  the local mesh only.
>  It would be worth someone checking out the Theora team's latest
>  optimizations, which might make Theora solve the codec problem.

I talked to Robert Savoy from Gnash/OpenMedia at FISL and he promised
me he'd have the codec problem solved by the end of the year.  FWIW.

The XO-to-XO communication mechanism is what I keep promising to write
up.  I will do so, I promise.

 ( )

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