XENified images for XO

Dennis Gilmore dennis at ausil.us
Sat Apr 12 13:11:39 EDT 2008

On Thursday 10 April 2008, Marcus Leech wrote:
> Has anyone done any work on building XENified images for XO?
> I'm interested in this for building a large-scale virtualized XO
> environment for testing purposes.
> The other option is to run the XO image in "HVM" mode, but that limits
> which processors
>   I can use to host such a thing.
> Cheers

The work to do this is not trivial. however,  im working on moving us to a 
Fedora-9 base.  in doing so we should rebase the kernel.  I understand 
dilinger has done alot of work to make sure we will be able to use 2.6.25  We 
should work with him to make sure that paravirt support in 2.6.25  is turned 

Of course you can use use what we have currently with full virt.  but that 
does require cpu support/  or qemu which will slow things down.  


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