MANIFEST and .xo bundles

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Tue Apr 1 09:50:25 EDT 2008

The Sugar developers will certainly respond (and btw., do you know  
there is a Sugar developers list?) but here's my take:

On 30.03.2008, at 18:48, Jameson Chema Quinn wrote:
> What is the MANIFEST supposed to accomplish in the first place?

MANIFEST is not required at all in the current bundle format. It's  
just a convention for invoking bundle-builder.

Generating it is simple enough, e.g. from the Etoys makefile:

Etoys-$(xo_version).xo: Etoys.activity
	find $< -type f -o -type l| sed 's|^[^/]*/||' > $</MANIFEST

- Bert -

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