The "iGoogle bug"

Pádraig Brady P at
Thu Sep 20 12:00:27 EDT 2007

Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Jim Gettys wrote:
>> Don't confuse virtual address space used with RAM consumed: most of that
>> is shared memory (glibc, pango, gtk+....).
>> That's why memphis was written and is in our build: ps gives very
>> misleading memory usage statistics, unless you really understand what it
>> is reporting.  It does a bit better job accounting for memory used in a
>> mere-mortal way to understand.
> This gives even better results:
> The PSS and USS are are the Right Thing: they give users and
> developers a honest and accurate figure.
> The downside is that it would require a very fresh kernel or 13
> invasive VM patches.

I've just updated my tool to use PSS when available:


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