[sugar] Improving quality

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero dirakx at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 22:08:24 EDT 2007

> But, clearly that process has left out a lot of interested people, so we
> need to come up with something better that will allow us to make decisions
> relatively quickly, but will allow the contributions to come all interested
> people.
> Bernie's idea of summarizing each week where we are and what the
> discussions/decisions we need to work on is probably a good start. I try to
> do that in a weekly 'Ship' meeting; but maybe I need to move that Monday
> morning exercise to the devel and sugar lists rather than the local
> conference room. That way everyone will know where we need to focus energy
> that week and can contribute to that email thread.

I think this is really better for the porpuse of making OLPC project
> stronger, i mean, we were letting people behind close doors that could make
   interesting contributions to the projects..so the idea of moving the
discussions  to devel and sugar  is very good.

On 9/16/07, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves <justivo at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I actually ate the "dog food" for a whole week and wrote a long review
> > about the experience[1], with a few suggestions on how to improve the
> > GUI and a few other things.  Apparently, it was ignored, but hey, no
> > hard feelings.  I'm still doing a few other experiments to see how to
> > improve the existing software and now with the bug tracker finally
> > open again, I think I'll go back to write the missing tickets.
> >
> > -Ivo
> >
> > [1] http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2007-September/003284.html
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Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
One Laptop Per Child
rafael at laptop.org
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