Pippy and Calculate - Evolution Solution

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Sat Sep 8 01:39:26 EDT 2007

  Hi, James,

> I'm in Australia.  In our school system we use lowest common
> denominator, class based teaching ... advancement in knowledge and skill
> beyond the plan for the year is socially punished.

  Wow.  Sounds like Japan.

>  Bright kids learned
> to hide their ability.  However, even with that, I have met 5 to 9 year
> old kids who could do the math that was to be learned at age 15.
> So I have no trouble with the idea of revealing the details of these
> function derivations.
> At worst we'll create a generation who know math better than anyone else
> ... and where's the problem with that?

  A little problem is that we would like to get "80%" of students to
go beyond a threshold.  May or may not be so high threshold, but
reasonably high.  Definitely we should try to make curriculum that fit
almost everyone in a class except a few hopeless, not a few talented.

-- Yoshiki

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