Teleconference information for software status meeting (today, 21:00 EDT Boston)

Chris Ball cjb at
Wed Sep 5 11:55:36 EDT 2007


   > DIAL IN:
   >   From the United States: 866-213-2185
   >   From Outside the United States: 1-609-454-9914

The audio quality on last night's call was awful.  What's the interest
like (from current call participants) in moving the meetings to IRC?

The advantages that I see are:
   * people who can't make a phone call for some reason are able to join
   * several people can talk at once, which might save time
   * we get a full transcription of "minutes" for free, although we
     should probably still summarize the conversation
I propose having a trial run on IRC for next week's conference.
If anyone who wants to be on the call is unable or unwilling to use
IRC, we could consider opening up the bridge in order to relay their
questions to the conference.  Thoughts?


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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