Text to Speech / DBus / MT / IBM | Meadan | Google

Andrew Clunis andrew at orospakr.ca
Thu Oct 18 11:58:51 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 10:28 -0500, Todd Kelsey wrote:
> people who would be working on an underlying "accessibility engine"
> for the xo may wish to consider an open approach that could connect
> with a machine translation engine when it becomes available.
> fyi -- an olpc non-profit partner called Meadan (www.meadan.org) is
> doing fundamental research in partnership with IBM on advanced machine
> translation -- the context is multilingual instant messaging and I am
> happy to connect whoever is interested to meadan. 

Meadan looks pretty interesting, but their website is pretty light on
information.  Will their code be Free Software?  What exactly will it
> *mt on xo*
> it may be possible to adapt mt for realistic use within the xo
> ecosystem. i will be chilling with sj on sat 10/27 in cambridge at
> olpc offices if anyone would like to chat about this or see the
> translated instant messaging demo (i can do this remotely too). 
> *google MT api*
> I also wanted to mention that franz och at google opened up their
> statistical MT api and I had been hoping to connect the im client to
> it -- he is interested in getting "chat corpus" -- IBM is working with
> the TrIM client (from MITRE, a gov't thinktank), which can be XMPP --
> but progress is slow -- and I'm wondering if anyone in olpc community
> might be interested in connecting the xo chat thing (or an underlying
> "conversion engine") directly to the google api. that would be
> wonderful. 

That would rely on a singleton service provider, which might not be a
good approach in the long run.  It would be better if the software in
question could be run directly on the XO laptop.

Andrew Clunis

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