evince module in read-activity

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 06:26:24 EDT 2007

On 10/18/07, Assim Deodia <assim.deodia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are trying to figure out a way to pick the rendered text and pipe
> it to espeak for text to speech synthesis.
> We were going through read-activity.py and there it has imported
> evince module in it. We tried to search it on git repository but were
> unable to find it.


See the python directory in there.

> Is there any documentation which discusses how evince-olpc project is
> being used in read-activity.

It's using pygtk codegen to generate C bindings for evince. I believe
there is a little of documentation on how to use codegen on
www.pygtk.org, but... it's pretty limited.
Looks like you'd have to extend EvView to be able to get info about
the selected text out of it.

Have you thought about using X primary selection for this? Maybe I'm
missing something but I can't think of any downside for it... The nice
thing is that it would work easily for any activity.  It could even be
provided as a shell service (when pressing a key stroke for example).


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