external optical drives not showing up in the Journal

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Oct 16 08:45:17 EDT 2007

Hey everyone,

I was experimenting with an external optical drive connected via USB 
today and while it I had no trouble accessing it via the shell (well, at 
least after a friend helped me out) I was a bit surprised that it didn't 
show up in the Journal. When I connect my USB thumbdrive it shows up all 
right, I can copy/paste, view its contents, unmount, etc.

Now I was wondering whether there are any plans to also integrate 
external optical drives like that? I think it might make sense in some 
situations, especially where contents might already be available in the 
form of optical media.

Thanks in advance,

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