Changing Sugar system font?

Antoine van Gelder hummingbird at
Fri Oct 5 14:24:16 EDT 2007

Here are replacements for the /boot/grub/grub.conf and 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf files I use when working under vmware.

Sets screen resolution to 1280x1024 and X to 200dpi which makes for more 
readable fonts.

  - a

Wilhelm Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I've begun to experiment with OPLC images under VMware and Qemu.  So  
> far, with all the images I've tried, (546, 609, 613), the system font  
> being used in Sugar is insanely small, to the point of near  
> unreadability.
> Via googling, I was able to find a hint on how to change the  
> developer console font size, but so far I've not been able to figure  
> out where I can influence the font that is used throughout the GUI.   
> Can anybody give me a pointer as to where to look?
> I apologize in advance if this is not the right list for such  
> questions (although if it isn't, I'd appreciate being directed to the  
> correct one).
> -wilhelm
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