Telling time (was: StopWatch activity)

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Wed Nov 14 17:03:28 EST 2007

On Nov 14, 2007, at 22:37 , Eben Eliason wrote:

> I'm talking, really, about interaction overhead.  In order to see the
> current time I should press a key, or make a gesture with the mouse,
> or something similar.  I shouldn't have to find the clock activity
> wherever that might be, click to launch it, wait for it do launch
> (however short that may be), and then close it again just to check the
> time.  I could leave it open all the time for later checking, of
> course, but I'd still have to perform this exercise every time I
> rebooted.  This kind of things should really be a system device as
> well.

I question the very assumption that continuously telling the time is  
even remotely important on a learning machine for kids in elementary  
school age.

- Bert -

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