Changing keyboard layout

David Leeming PFnet leeming at
Tue Nov 6 00:40:41 EST 2007

I have some B4s with what I assume to be Spanish of Portrugese keyboard
markings. The shift key is labelled "mayus".
We intend to use these with English-speaking children. I am able to change
the Sugar language to English by editing
such that the line

is changed to


I can also change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as stated in the Wiki section
on customising the NAND image.
But the keyboard layout remains the same; i.e. if one presses the underscore
key, one gets a forward slash - many of the non-alphanumeric keys are also
mixed up.
Can anyone suggest how I can have both English language and the correct
keyboard configuration on these B4s. 
I am sorry if this might be quite trivial but I can't easily locate the
David Leeming 
Project Manager, Distance Learning Centres Project (DLCP) 
P.O. Box 652, Honiara, Solomon Islands
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