MP Build... FYI

John Watlington wad at
Sun Nov 4 01:39:17 EDT 2007

Quanta wants assurance that the software workaround which was broken  
in #4479 is fixed.
Richard's testing is necessary to confirm this.   It is also  
essential that the kernel fix
which is theoretically the only difference between 624 and 625 be  
part of the production
test code to further confirm this.   If Quanta sees this problem AT  
ALL in the production
testing, there will be pressure to halt until further hardware/ 
software fixes are found.

But no, there is not need to rush testing to ship with fixed bits  
right away.  These machines
will be upgraded before anybody sees the problem in the field.


On Nov 4, 2007, at 1:08 AM, Kim Quirk wrote:

> John,
> It sounds like you recommend that Quanta put 624 on the laptops at  
> the end of mfg test.
> Is that true?
> If so, I would support that decision as well; and we don't need to  
> go through the release testing for 625.
> Regards,
> Kim
> On 11/4/07, John Watlington <wad at> wrote:
> There shouldn't be any problems if 624 is used for MP.
> The testing process is there for a reason, and should be strictly
> followed.
> The DCON bug that 625 fixes (#4479) will only show up on a small
> number of machines, and it's frequency is low enough in normal
> operation of our current software (where we only support sleep,
> not automatic suspend) that it will be an extremely rare complaint
> (roughly one tenth of the machines will show the problem once
> every 5-20K resumes --- that's a lot of button pushes!).   When the
> display is powered down automatically for power conservation,
> the code path should reinitialize the DCON correctly.
> It is a low severity bug, the user hits any key and the problem
> clears up.
> RMA requests for machines showing this problem can be answered with a
> request that they upgrade their software.
> John
> On Nov 4, 2007, at 12:32 AM, Richard A. Smith wrote:
> > Jim Gettys wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>>>         Ship.1 are the bits Quanta is currently putting on
> >>>> machines in
> >>>>         the
> >>>>         factory. It is Build 624; Firmware Q2D03.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> We are putting build 625 on mass production machines starting
> >>>> Monday,
> >>>> because this addresses a suspected bug, the failure to
> >>>> initialize the
> >>>> DCON registers when power is re-applied to DCON.  Build 625 is in
> >>>> testing by Quanta right now.
> >
> > I just spoke with Arnold about the current 624/625 testing status.
> >
> > 624 testing was completed by Quanta and is ready to go.  They  
> were not
> > able to start testing 625 because there was no signed image.
> >
> > Current plan is for 624 to go onto the machines.
> >
> > _If_ we claim that 625 are the new bits and sign them for use on MP
> > machines then Quanta can start testing 625 on Monday morning.
> >
> > They _might_ be able to complete the testing in time for MP but  
> Arnold
> > says it will involve a lot of work from the .tw testing team.
> >
> > Gary and I will be headed to CSMC at 8pm Changshu time to look a the
> > results of the > 24 hour DCON test.  I'll report back the results  
> and
> > then the team can make the call on going with 624 or trying to push
> > for
> > 625.
> >
> > --
> > Richard Smith  < richard at>
> > One Laptop Per Child
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