temporal multi-mpp solution

gspiller at adinet.com.uy gspiller at adinet.com.uy
Thu May 3 15:06:44 EDT 2007

our names are Guillermo Spiller and Martin Irazoqui, we are working in 
Uruguay with the OLPC proyect. In a few days we are going to start a 
pilot in a school wishing to spread the internet all over the town. In 
order to accomplish this we needed to make the mpp configuration 
automatically (making each portal "intelligent" so it will be awared of 
the network changes).As for now the ip is given by a DHCP server, we 
configured some XO as dhcp servers (in differents ranges) so the ips 
won't collide. We also stopped the dhcp in every "normal" computer. We 
think that this script might help and it would be nice to receive some 
comments about it. We did a script (attached) so every minute the XO 
will check its status (am I a portal or not?), if it's a portal it will 
reconfirm its connectivity with the AP and if it's still good will 
sleep for an extra minute. If it's not, it will stop of being a portal. 
In case of not being a portal, and having a gateway in eth0, after 
checking the connectivity with this gateway will start the mpp 
services. If you want to see this with more details you can always read 
the script, we tried to comment it as well as possible.
This script saves the status of the computer in the file 
/var/log/portal and explain his behaviour.
It would be better if this "thinking" would be done in the network 
manager, so when a kid clicks in the circle you know that you have to 
stop the mpp, and if he clicks in the triangle you might be a portal. 
We tried to do this but we didn?t find the code of this buttons.

We also would like  to know if there is a table where the computers 
write the possible dhcp servers, or portals because when we try to 
connect an XO as a client for the first time we have to click in the 
circle several times, but if we want to re-connect it?s very easy..
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