Watch "One Laptop Per Child" on Google Video

vivacarlie noreply at
Tue May 1 20:36:45 EDT 2007

Your friend, vivacarlie at, has sent you the following video
from Google Video and included this message:
an OLPC presentation from Google Tech Talks. he talks about all the
things implemented anew and for those of you just joining, this is a
must to see!

Title: One Laptop Per Child

Description: Google Tech Talks
April 12, 2007


The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure
that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world
is able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked
to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can
openly learn and learn about learning.

The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing and
distributing XO laptops to children in lesser developed countries,
initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments
for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of
their children own and can effectively use a laptop.

Initially the OLPC Foundation is focusing on the grassroots, "bottoms
up" aspects of the OLPC mission. It provides grants and loans for the
development and use of open educational resources and grassroots
learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO in lesser
developed communities around the world for children, their families and

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