Where olpc machine spending time when using web broswer

Adam Jackson ajackson at redhat.com
Tue Mar 13 11:52:44 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 18:59 -0400, William Cohen wrote:

> # opreport -t 1 -l /usr/bin/Xorg
> CPU: CPU with timer interrupt, speed 0 MHz (estimated)
> Profiling through timer interrupt
> samples  %        image name               symbol name
> 6514     68.1096  libfb.so                 fbFetchTransformed

Wow.  I think that's the first time I've ever seen this actually show up
on a profile.  I didn't think anything used Render's transformations on
account of they're so painfully slow.

> 613       6.4095  libfb.so                 fbFetchPixel_x8r8g8b8

Just as an aside, gcc generates some intensely dumb code:

00000d80 <fbFetchPixel_x8r8g8b8>:
     d80:       55                      push   %ebp
     d81:       8b 04 90                mov    (%eax,%edx,4),%eax
     d84:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
     d86:       5d                      pop    %ebp
     d87:       0d 00 00 00 ff          or     $0xff000000,%eax
     d8c:       c3                      ret    
     d8d:       8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi

Yay for frame pointers on leaf functions!  I guess we can build X with
-momit-leaf-frame-pointer, it can't hurt but I have no idea if it'll
help measurably.  It certainly makes the code prettier:

00000ce0 <fbFetchPixel_x8r8g8b8>:
     ce0:       8b 04 90                mov    (%eax,%edx,4),%eax
     ce3:       0d 00 00 00 ff          or     $0xff000000,%eax
     ce8:       c3                      ret    
     ce9:       8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi),%esi

>    398  6.1099 :                        x1 = MOD (x1, pict->pDrawable->width);
>    383  5.8796 :                        x2 = MOD (x2, pict->pDrawable->width);
>    336  5.1581 :                        y1 = MOD (y1, pict->pDrawable->height);
>    355  5.4498 :                        y2 = MOD (y2, pict->pDrawable->height);

It feels like we ought to be able to MMX this pattern.

>                :                        ft = FbGet8(tl,0) * idistx + FbGet8(tr,0) * distx;
>                :                        fb = FbGet8(bl,0) * idistx + FbGet8(br,0) * distx;
>    536  8.2284 :                        r = (((ft * idisty + fb * disty) >> 16) & 0xff);
>                :                        ft = FbGet8(tl,8) * idistx + FbGet8(tr,8) * distx;
>                :                        fb = FbGet8(bl,8) * idistx + FbGet8(br,8) * distx;
>    482  7.3994 :                        r |= (((ft * idisty + fb * disty) >> 8) & 0xff00);
>                :                        ft = FbGet8(tl,16) * idistx + FbGet8(tr,16) * distx;
>                :                        fb = FbGet8(bl,16) * idistx + FbGet8(br,16) * distx;
>    514  7.8907 :                        r |= (((ft * idisty + fb * disty)) & 0xff0000);
>                :                        ft = FbGet8(tl,24) * idistx + FbGet8(tr,24) * distx;
>                :                        fb = FbGet8(bl,24) * idistx + FbGet8(br,24) * distx;
>                :                        r |= (((ft * idisty + fb * disty) << 8) & 0xff000000);
>    512  7.8600 :                        buffer[i] = r;

And maybe this one.

But the more serious question is why we're hitting this path at all.  I
can't think of anything in the described firefox use profile that would
require filters or transformations.  The only place I can see the word
'bilinear' mentioned at all in firefox is


but that seems unlikely.  And more importantly it doesn't look like
we'll ever hit fbFetchTransformed without an actual transformation
matrix.  Someone who knows firefox want to chime in here?

- ajax

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