Mesh Conection

Javier Cardona javier at
Tue Mar 13 11:06:51 EDT 2007

Hi Rafael,

> > i would like to know how to connect two XO in mesh..
> > I know that the dev is msh0 but i don't know what command should i use for
> scanning for example,
> > how can i check data transfer between the laptops..?

The mesh interface is activated when the main interface (eth0) is
turned on, either by starting/joining an ad-hoc network or by
associating to an access point.  The following steps will be
sufficient to start the mesh:

iwconfig msh0 mode ad-hoc essid "any_ssid"
ifconfig msh0 <any_IP_address>

The mesh ignores the ssid, so there's no need to pick matching SSIDs
for all laptops in the mesh.  The IP addresses should belong to the
same subnet.  So, for two laptops, this will do the trick:

-- xo1 --
iwconfig msh0 mode ad-hoc essid "xo1"
ifconfig msh0

-- xo2 --
iwconfig msh0 mode ad-hoc essid "xo2"
ifconfig msh0
ping    # should work

> > What activity has now support for mesh connection..Group chat..or which..
> ?

Any application that works on eth0 should work on msh0.  Just bind it
to the msh0 address.  For instance, if you want to run apache in the
xo1 of the above example, you would just add the following line to


If you are looking for something mesh specific, look at , an application to generate
mesh maps.

> > im using build 239...should i update to 303 for example..?

Highly recommended to update to 303.  It includes some bug fixes
specific to mesh.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.



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