Fwd: csound and glade / pygtk

James Bergstra james.bergstra at umontreal.ca
Fri Jun 29 12:24:07 EDT 2007

You're right that there are many good ways to make a GUI app around csound. In
TamTam, we are using csound as a sound rendering library, within a pthread that
writes directly to ALSA.  These things are controlled by a C++ python module
that we import into TamTam.

Without a clear idea of the approach you've taken, or the problems you are
facing, I venture that the following tip:

If you are using multiple threads of python code, you should be aware of the
global interpeter lock (often called GIL).  To prevent gtk from hogging the GIL
while there are no events to handle, you might want to explore the functions
threads_init(), threads_enter(), and threads_leave() in gdk.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 12:02:17PM -0400, Jean Piché wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
>     From: "dietmar offenhuber" <dietmar at media.mit.edu>
>     Date: June 29, 2007 11:44:02 AM EDT (CA)
>     To: ! devel at laptop.org
>     Subject: csound and glade / pygtk
>     hi,
>     i am still having some trouble building a pyGTK interface for a csound
>     application - a simple one, basically just as a replacement for FLTK
>     widgets, which are not supported on the laptop. i am aware that there are
>     multiple approaches at the moment, including the csound server etc.
>     the csound event and the pygtk interface currently run on seperate threads,
>     but they interfere with each other - any activity in the interface causes
>     csou! nd to sto r anyone has some examples of similar applications running
>     on the laptop?
>     best,
>     dietmar
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