Early boot, activation, upgrades

Jonathan Herzog jherzog at jonathanherzog.com
Wed Jul 11 01:25:56 EDT 2007

Now that I've looked through the code for LTC SHA-512, I'm pretty  
sure that I can examine LTC SHA-256 in a day or two. Is there an  
imminent deadline I should know about?

As for the 256-bit curve: yes, it will trigger unaudited code paths,  
but that's because I haven't yet audited every function used by the  
ECC package. ECC uses a lot of math, for example, and I haven't yet  
looked at each mathematical function yet. However, I can say that the  
256-bit curve defined in LTC matches the NIST recommendation, and  
that the unaudited code paths triggered by that curve will be in the  
underlying math functions, not LTC itself.

Jonathan Herzog
Cryptographic consulting
jherzog at jonathanherzog.com

On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:14 PM, Ivan Krstić wrote:

> Jon, do you think you would be able to audit the LTC SHA-256 code  
> reasonably quickly, and do you have qualms about the NIST 256-bit  
> ECC curve triggering unaudited code paths? I'm not familiar with  
> that code.
> --
> Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | http://radian.org

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