DejaVu fonts (Was: Ethiopean)

Sergey Udaltsov sergey.udaltsov at
Fri Aug 24 05:21:26 EDT 2007


Would you try the Ethiopian XIM in en_US locale (replacing Compose file)?


On 8/24/07, Bernardo Innocenti <bernie at> wrote:
> Sergey Udaltsov wrote:
> > FWIW, yesterday I setup LANG=am_ET.UTF-8 in /etc/sysconfig/i18n and
> > rebooted. Sugar was not even able to start (I am using the latest
> > stable image). Pure X server starts ok. There were errors during the
> > boot process as well (some services reported "FAILED" startup). If
> > anyone is interested, I could provide more details.
> The same happened to me too.  Seems like a severe bug in glibc's
> locale description.  For example, the sort comand would output
> lines sorted by length instead of alphabetically!
> I'll try again with fedora devel's RPM.   If it doesn't work, then
> I guess we should file a bug upstream.
> --
>    // Bernardo Innocenti
>  \X/

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