EXA performance

Stefano Fedrigo aleph at develer.com
Thu Aug 30 06:48:07 EDT 2007

Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Performance of 16bpp VS 24bpp has been a hot topic recently.
> We know 24bpp to be much faster for some operations (my
> bench.py notably) and much slower for others (image puts),
> but it's not clear which one is the overall winner
> for our typical workload.
> Jim would like to see some numbers in order to make a
> decision.  Aleph, could you publish the results of x11perf
> at least?  The Cairo perfomance suite would be even more
> interesting to see.

Made two runs with x11perf, at 16 and 24 bpp.  Xserver from
server-1.4-branch git tree, on a B4 laptop.
x11perfcomp output attached, sorted by relative performance.

Some operations are faster at 24bpp, other ones better at 16bpp.
Looking at these data 16bpp seems a better choice: a greater number of
ops fare better than at 24bpp, but one has to consider what are the
operations Sugar does more.
I'm going to do some Cairo testing...
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