[OLPC Brasil] Why call tools "activities"?

Don Hopkins dhopkins at DonHopkins.com
Thu Apr 5 22:05:01 EDT 2007

Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Componentizing the world is a failed dream. 
I strongly disagree with that.

Just because C++ is totally fucked, CORBA is a sick joke, and Apple gave 
up on HyperCard and OpenDoc and ScriptX, and regressed to using the 
quaint circa-1989 technology of NeXT Step and Objective C, doesn't mean 
components are a failure -- it just means that Apple and other companies 
have failed to deliver on their own promises. Other important component 
based systems like Smalltalk, Python, SWIG, Java, Eclipse, web services, 
ReST, and even Microsoft Window's OLE/ActiveX are quite successful.

Python and Sugar is all about modularization and componentization, and 
if don't think that's a worthy goal, or believe it's destine for 
failure, then you should be working on something else more monolithic, 
like a big "application".


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