[sugar] Status of Speex?

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Thu Apr 5 18:54:35 EDT 2007

Well, the more general question is - who is defining the "platform",  
and where is the list of codecs, or, more generally, libraries that  
activity developers can rely on?

- Bert -

On Apr 6, 2007, at 0:22 , Samuel Klein wrote:

> I certainly hope speex is included.  Is there a better open source  
> voice codec out there?  SJ
> On 4/5/07, Takashi Yamamiya < tak at metatoys.org> wrote:Hi,
> I have a question about Speex http://www.speex.org/ on OLPC. I added a
> feature about sound compressing in etoys activity. We are going to use
> it for interactive voice tutorial contents for etoys. I chose Speex
> as the codec because it seems to be the most efficient for human
> voice, and the OLPC os image includes Speex already. But Bert
> suggested me that we were not sure if we could depend on it.
> So my question is that Speex library on the OLPC is just by accident,
> or intentional? Can I assume Speex is available on the OLPC? I think
> including Speex is also good for other activity like voice chat.
> Regards,
> - Takashi

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