[OLPC-devel] error report on usb8xxx with new kernel and firmware

supat at supat.eu.org supat at supat.eu.org
Mon Sep 11 01:42:45 EDT 2006

Yes. I know what is build 81 is already.
And my original report is correct. usb8xxx cause errors on slackware that 
using build 81 under new Linux BIOS.

My suspect is some fire-up mechanism of slackware are different from OLPC 
used. I notice it has /etc/module.d/blacklist under fedora to protect 
kernel to probe the wrong VGA. Slackware do not have that mechanism.

If you gave me exactly mechanism to fire-up usb8xxx then I may be able to 
solve or find out the problem.

Conclusion: Yes. errors report earlier are reproducible under build 81.
And I did use build 81 since at the beginning.


On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, James Cameron wrote:

> Have you been able to reproduce this on build 81 binaries?
> -- 
> James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/
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