[OLPC-devel] very, very close

Ronald G Minnich rminnich at lanl.gov
Sun Jul 30 01:06:16 EDT 2006

The following .config, used on a linux-2.6.18-rc2-olpc1 kernel (the one 
used in buildrom), gives me a kernel that I can kexec easily from the 
buildrom-based busybox system. This kernel then gets me all the way up 
to a login prompt, and I can log in as OLPC. This is *close*. This is a 
much more minimal kernel than the one that comes from redhat; it's about 
1000 lines of .config as opposed to 3300 (read -- lots less stuff in 
this kernel!)

This is, deliberately, a very NON-modular kernel, as the OLPC is a very 
non-modular system, save for USB. I think that's how we want to go.

This actually boots just fine from the graphical menu.

I can log in, as I mentioned, and do all sorts of stuff. I have multiple 
VTs. I am missing one thing: there is no VT7, hence no X. What am I 
missing in this config?

Also, I am sure this one is simple: no /proc/sys/hotplug -- but I 
thought that was deprecated? What part of the .config did I miss there too?

This is close -- very, very close. This also has TCP in it, and I hope 
to buy a usb->enet dongle this week to test.

This .config is building UP from the minimal .config we have in buildrom 
-- it is proving to be easier to do this than to shrink the very large 
redhat .config, which, again, includes a lot of stuff I think we don't 
really need. :-)


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