Fwd: OLPC Laptop - some suggestions for the software

Ivan Krstić krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 19 10:34:31 EST 2006

Thomas Müller wrote:
> 1. Please stay with linux, as it is open source and free from licence
> money.

OLPC is providing a fully free and open Linux-based software stack on
the laptops. There hasn't yet been a question, nor is there one now,
about this changing. But our philosophy at OLPC is freedom, and freedom
means that the participating countries can choose which OS and software
they wish to run, even if those choices are proprietary and closed.

Henry Ford is reputed to have said that customers are free to have their
Ford Model T painted any color they wish, so long as that color is
black. We're pointedly staying away from such definitions of freedom.

> - Firefox-Brwoser - Thunderbird E-mail client - Open Office.org -

I'd suggest you don't try to run OO.o on a 366MHz machine, unless you're
into the whole masochism thing :)

> and second, there is a mesh network protocol to have all wireless
> laptops meshed together, then you do not need servers. CALLED:
> B.A.T.M.A.N. (search google in combination with OLSR or freifunk ) it
> is the followup of OLSR.org

This piece of software was already brought up here, and I explained why
it can't be used. Our mesh routing happens in hardware, so this and
similar solutions aren't an option.

> third, there is a new p2p search engine, which will index all the web
> in a decentral way:

Decentralized web indexing is not of particular interest to us at this time.

Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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