[OLPC-devel] Re: olpcflash 0.1.0 Alpha

Mitch Bradley wmb at firmworks.com
Wed Aug 16 15:40:21 EDT 2006

Richard Smith wrote:
>> > I'm done with PLCC!
>> I dunno - 11 minutes is a bit long.  I'll remain lazy and stick with the
>> easy flash.. :)
> Is it worth it for me to do a full page write and perhaps cut that
> down to around 6 minutes?
I'd say it's worth it, under the assumption that it probably won't take 
very long to mod it while it's fresh in your mind.

Capture the state of your brain before you forget.
> The perfectionist in me wants to start improving it.  I'd like to
> re-work the SPI command system a bit to a more clean design taking
> "firmware" mode into account from the start.
> Considering the other fish we have to land it may not be worth the 
> extra effort.

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