[olpc-help] Adding activities after update

Steve Holton sph0lt0n at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 13:14:35 EDT 2008

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Tim Connor <timconnor2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I updated to build 711, then tried to reinstall the activities using the USB
> flash drive procedure.  Well, it turned out the blank flash drive was
> formatted in FAT rather than FAT16, so it didn't work.  The XO is the only
> computer we have that doesn't run XP, and XP doesn't support formatting
> drives in anything but FAT and FAT32.  There are alternative procedures for
> reinstalling activities, but they seem to require access to the command
> line.  Without the terminal activity, I can't find any way to access it. How
> do I do that?

push  <CTRL> <ALT> and <neighborhood> at the same time.

> Or, how do I reformat the flash drive? (going out and buying flash drives
> until I find one with the right format seems inefficient).
> Tim
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Steve Holton
sph0lt0n at gmail.com

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