[olpc-help] problems with update.1 not updating...

Bruce MacLennan mclennan at cs.utk.edu
Mon Jun 16 12:30:26 EDT 2008

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the explanation.

On Jun 16, 2008, at 12:00 PM, community-support- 
request at lists.laptop.org wrote:

> Things are running slowly because the update process is compute-bound
> and the current update server's CPU is overloaded. We will relieve the
> load as soon as possible.

I did abort that olpc-update and tried again later at night (hoping  
the server would be less loaded).  Everything went quickly up to  
performing the incremental rsync.  I left it running overnight (12  
hrs), but it never terminated.  So, unless you think that something  
else might be going on, I think I will postpone the upgrade to 703  
until the server issue is improved.

Thanks again,

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