#12085 NORM 13.1.0: Time/date sync on unsecured laptops
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Sep 4 14:55:22 EDT 2012
#12085: Time/date sync on unsecured laptops
Reporter: cscott | Owner: pbrobinson
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 13.1.0
Component: distro | Version: not specified
Keywords: | Next_action: never set
Verified: 0 | Deployment_affected:
Blockedby: | Blocking:
In bug 3359, we added code to have laptops sync with ntpdate when they
connected to the internet. That code has regressed at some time since
then; currently Sugar users have no way to set the time and date on their
machines without resorting to a root commandline.
There is a separate bug for adding date/time setting to the Sugar control
panel. This bug is just for restoring the automatic date-setting-via-ntp
so that connected users need not worry about having the correct time.
is the patch which originally fixed bug 3359. I believe this
NetworkManager dispatcher.d script would still work, although some
deployments wish to suppress automatic time/date settings on unsecured
laptop. Another line could be added to the script looking at
manufacturing tags to implement this restriction. The ntpdate package
also needs to be re-added to the builds. We also probably need to add a
line to sync the hardware clock (using hwclock) after ntpdate runs, if
ntpdate itself has not already been patched to do so (see
(jnettlet suggests using this systemd service: http://fpaste.org/hnvN/ )
The original script tried to sync with 'time', which was a local DNS
address advertised by the schoolserver before falling back to the fedora
pool. Two changes are possible here: 1) does the schoolserver still
advertise 'time'? 2) we could use olpc.pool.ntp.org instead of using
fedora's pool.
Cerlyn suggests using Chrony instead of ntp:
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/12085>
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