#11236 NORM 1.75-fi: Apply camera test "use CCIR601" improvements on XO-1.75 OFW

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Sep 13 10:18:04 EDT 2011

#11236: Apply camera test "use CCIR601" improvements on XO-1.75 OFW
 Reporter:  martin.langhoff  |                 Owner:  wmb at firmworks.com
     Type:  task             |                Status:  new              
 Priority:  normal           |             Milestone:  1.75-firmware    
Component:  not assigned     |               Version:  not specified    
 Keywords:                   |           Next_action:  never set        
 Verified:  0                |   Deployment_affected:                   
Blockedby:                   |              Blocking:                   
 Q3B15 has

 "svn 2465 - Changed the camera test to use CCIR601 instead of CCIR656
 transmission format, thus making it sensitive to problems with the VSYNC
 and HSYNC lines. The new test can also operate in either RBG565 or YCrCb
 color spaces."

 Quanta reports that Q4B09 does not include this. This is a Quanta request
 for C1 build.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11236>
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