#9873 HIGH 1.5-sof: XO 1.5 Secure Reflash - Does not work

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Dec 11 19:02:01 EST 2009

#9873: XO 1.5 Secure Reflash - Does not work
           Reporter:  reuben               |       Owner:  wmb at firmworks.com 
               Type:  defect               |      Status:  assigned          
           Priority:  high                 |   Milestone:  1.5-software-final
          Component:  ofw - open firmware  |     Version:  not specified     
         Resolution:                       |    Keywords:                    
        Next_action:  test in build        |    Verified:  0                 
Deployment_affected:                       |   Blockedby:                    
           Blocking:  9858, 9874           |  

Comment(by dsd):

 IRC conversation summary:

  * zhashfs outputs .zsp file along with .zd
  * zhashfs outputs buggy .zsp file (points to wrong filename - easy to
  * .zsp file needs to be signed into fs.zip as follows:

 echo "data: $(cat foo.zsp)" > data.img
 $LIBEXEC/sig01 sha256 $signingkey data.img >data.sig

 then data.img and data.sig can be zipped up into fs.zip

 then 4-gamekey reflash will cause fs.zip to be opened, signature verified,
 and the .zd filename looked up inside the .zsp

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/9873#comment:6>
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