#7231 NORM Never A: Out-of-sync file and page histories on wiki causes images to break in non-revertable way

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Jun 7 18:48:32 EDT 2008

#7231: Out-of-sync file and page histories on wiki causes images to break in non-
revertable way
 Reporter:  mchua          |       Owner:  jg            
     Type:  defect         |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:  Never Assigned
Component:  new component  |     Version:                
 Keywords:                 |    Verified:  0             
 Blocking:                 |   Blockedby:                
 Bertf uncovered a mysterious wiki quirk today caused (accidentally) by
 some edits of Nicabod in a way I'm unable to reproduce. (We can ask
 Nicabod what he was trying to do; resize and lighten images, I believe.)

 This affects a small number of images stored on the OLPC public wiki.

  * Thumbnails of the image will display
  * Old versions of the image will display
  * The image itself will not display
  * The image's file history does not match its image page history,
 preventing a revert to the previous working version

 As an example, see
 http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Screen_4f.jpg#filehistory vs
 for the conflicts; note the current image,
 http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Screen_4f.jpg#filehistory, is broken but
 the old version,
 is fine. However, the broken history prevents a rollback from fixing this.

 http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Screen_4e.jpg is similarly broken.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7231>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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