#5872 NORM Future : Suggestion: Disable bottom two hot corners (in activity mode)
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Jan 19 15:16:33 EST 2008
#5872: Suggestion: Disable bottom two hot corners (in activity mode)
Reporter: ghopper | Owner: Eben
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: interface-design | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: frame hot corner popup activity toolbar
Verified: 0 | Blocking:
Blockedby: |
Comment(by BHunsaker):
> Toolbar Hiding was an idea on the table in the early days of toolbars,
which we've since thrown out
The screen space will always be a constrained resource. It should be
allowed/expected that the current activity will desire use of the whole
screen. I hope whatever has replaced toolbar hiding will account for
I believe that the user should be able to assign functions to each hot
corner or disable each one. There should be an assignable delay before
The frame may grow in importance and the default settings could still be
for the corners to immediately display the frame.
Any assumption that all four corners should do the same thing is wrong.
Personally I hate hot corners as the accuracy of the current track pad
makes it far too easy to accidentally move to those positions. Even with
improvements to the trackpad, they are still the easiest places to hit --
but that doesn't mean the user wants to have the frame displayed. With
the small keyboard and close proximity of the "display the fame" key, I
believe many users will disable hot corners if the control panel allows
for it.
Also see ticket:5629: Add a disable screencorners option in Sugar-control-
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5872#comment:8>
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