#6432 NORM Never A: Autoinstallation of RPMs

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Feb 13 17:06:43 EST 2008

#6432: Autoinstallation of RPMs
  Reporter:  cscott  |       Owner:  cscott        
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new           
  Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  Never Assigned
 Component:  distro  |     Version:                
Resolution:          |    Keywords:                
  Verified:  0       |    Blocking:                
 Blockedby:          |  

Comment(by mtd):

 Thanks for the pointer (sorry was late and I didn't have the energy even
 for one last find command).  I'll have a look at olpc-configure.  One
 thing that did occur to me is that I'm not sure what you're envisioning
 you'd like catered for most / at all out of these (not comprehensive) use
 cases, but the reason my patch came to mind was:

 1) I know what packages I want installed after a new joyride blows them
 away again, and that package set doesn't change very often...so right
 after I olpc-update, I just run two scripts, one which patches various
 files (and yum installs patch first), and another which just has a long
 "yum -y install <mystuff>" set of commands (I could use yum shell as seth
 suggests but I don't see the advantage for my case);

 2) I have no need to keep the packages off-network - if I'm olpc-update-
 ing, I've got the network; and

 3) I trust the person running olpc-update, so I can trust script(s) that
 run right after it.  And I don't run the scripts unless I'm updating my
 XO.  Thus I don't need the signing part of your proposal (though it's
 cool); and

 4) as a corollary of 2) + 3), I don't need a (signed) cache, though I
 could easily use my sd card as (an unsigned) one with yum localinstall
 instead of yum install in my post-olpc-update script.

 I know you stated your target use case, but you/others may want to
 consider some/all of these different, but still developer-ish, use cases:

 1) one knows what packages one wants to install, and one runs olpc-update
 from the network, so it's very tempting to install the packages when you
 know you have the network, right at the end of olpc-update (as my patch
 did; it's probably not surprising that this is what I think I need :),

 2) same as 1) except install is non-network and network isn't available on
 first boot (do you care about this?  Would it be an
 /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/olpc-update-ifup type of problem, or is
 there a less-frequently-invoked alternative?);

 3) same as 1) but one needs the network for packages but is olpc-updating
 from non-network, and the network isn't available now nor will be at
 first-boot (is this too pathological a case?).

 I realize I'm totally hijacking your trac ticket and you probably aren't
 excited about that, so I'll stop now :).

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6432#comment:6>
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