#8006 HIGH 8.2.0 (: joyride-2301: backlight switches off for no good reason
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Aug 27 10:29:22 EDT 2008
#8006: joyride-2301: backlight switches off for no good reason
Reporter: thomaswamm | Owner: cjb
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: 8.2.0 (was Update.2)
Component: power manager (OHM) | Version: Development build as of this date
Resolution: | Keywords: power_manager blocks?:8.2
Next_action: diagnose | Verified: 0
Blockedby: | Blocking:
Comment(by pgf):
thomaswamm -- since you can reliably reproduce this, let me expand on
cjb's response, in case you'd like to help (even more!) by supplying a
log. in a terminal, first you'll need to stop the running ohmd. become
root with "su", and then:
/etc/init.d/ohmd stop
then, to start a new copy, and to easily save the log, run:
nohup ohmd --no-daemon --verbose &
the log will be saved in a file called "nohup.out". (the nohup command
will help keep ohmd running even if you quit your terminal window.)
i'll try and reproduce as well (i couldn't do so yesterday).
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8006#comment:20>
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