#7900 HIGH 8.2.0 (: Reduce beacon frequency

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Aug 13 00:46:16 EDT 2008

#7900: Reduce beacon frequency
   Reporter:  carrano   |       Owner:  ashish              
       Type:  task      |      Status:  new                 
   Priority:  high      |   Milestone:  8.2.0 (was Update.2)
  Component:  wireless  |     Version:  not specified       
 Resolution:            |    Keywords:                      
Next_action:  code      |    Verified:  0                   
  Blockedby:            |    Blocking:                      

Comment(by carrano):

 Replying to [comment:3 kimquirk]:
 > Ricardo - Feature freeze was a while ago and we have started change
 control, which means if you want this to be considered for 8.2, can you
 please provide some details on the changes, your opinion on its importance
 (should be critical/blocking), your opinion on the testing needed both to
 test the change and to ensure other areas did not get worse. Please think
 of this as system/user level testing, not the testing that you have
 already done. We will be testing with activities and sharing, etc.
 > If there is still development work to be done or areas that need more
 exploration; or if it isn't critical for 8.2, then please set the
 milestone to 9.1 or future feature.
 > Thanks - Kim


 To implement the change is enough to issue (from user space)
  iwpriv eth0 bcn_control 1000
 Or set the default value in the driver. No development is necessary.

 It's not a critical and does not fix a bug. But it is a totally secure
 way, with no foreseeable negative side effect, to free spectrum and
 improve scalability.

 No specific user test applicable imo, since this is totally transparent
 and independent of any currently implemented system on the XO.

 I recommend that this is done, particularly because it is as risk-free as
 it gets.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7900#comment:6>
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