#4995 NORM Never A: genpot option in setup.py modifies PO files

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Nov 17 18:07:02 EST 2007

#4995: genpot option in setup.py modifies PO files
 Reporter:  sayamindu     |       Owner:  marco             
     Type:  defect        |      Status:  new               
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  Never Assigned    
Component:  sugar         |     Version:  Git as of bug date
 Keywords:  localization  |    Verified:  0                 
 Hi all,
 It looks like the genpot option in setup.py for activities update the PO
 files as well. From bundlebuilder.py, we have

     for file_name in _get_po_list(manifest).values():
         args = [ 'msgmerge', '-U', file_name, pot_file ]
         retcode = subprocess.call(args)
         if retcode:
             print 'ERROR - msgmerge failed with return code %i.' %

 This is slightly confusing, since many would expect genpot to
 (re)generate _only_ the POT file. Translators would also probably get
 confused to see their PO files changing without any apparent reasons.

 Can the PO generation part be moved to another option (maybe as a
 initial step for genl10n) ??

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/4995>
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