#1810 NORM Untriag: The journal could provide an Automatic grouping inside topics of objects based on tags
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Jun 25 22:02:55 EDT 2007
#1810: The journal could provide an Automatic grouping inside topics of objects
based on tags
Reporter: HoboPrimate | Owner: krstic
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Untriaged
Component: infrastructure | Version:
Keywords: journal tag organization browse | Verified: 0
The Journal will allow pretty advanced Searching, Sorting and Filtering
using tags and meta-data information, for kids to find/manipulate their
documents. But there are times and use case when solely using this method
isn't enough:
- A kid has amassed a large number of objects, after using the XO for some
time. It would become usefull if he could browse his colection.
- A kid forgets all about a drawing he made weeks before. If he stumble
upon it through browsing the collection, he would want to keep it, by
"staring" it to make it permanent. But since he never thinks of finding
it, acidently sumbling upon it may not occur, and it is eventually moved
to the school server, and after a while deleted.
- Variations of this case, is if a Kid doesn't tag an object, or tagged
it with too few terms, or it tagged it with different terms than the ones
he's using to search it.
I've read that the School Library while following the Journals method of
searching, will also contain a Topics view.
What I'm suggesting is a more advanced version of a Topics view to be
available in the Journal. One that automatically organizes the kid's many
objects based based on tags.
Not sure if metadata should be used as well. It would be very powerfull if
such a view only used the ineherent subjectivit and labeling power of tags
(can't find the words to describe my reasoning better).
This is already done in Epiphany
(http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/), Gnome's web browser, which only
lets the user to give a Title, Description and Tags to its bookmarks, much
like the Journal, while providing a admitedly less powerfull search
It auto-populates a dynamical bookmarks menu, which organizes the
bookmarks into topics and subtopics, based on their tags.
I remember it being very sophisticated, with such things like: inside a
topic, those bookmarks which shared between them some tag(s), would be
separated from the others with an horizontal line.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/1810>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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