[Argentina] Lo que dijo Negroponte

Daniel Ajoy da.ajoy at gmail.com
Thu May 10 14:35:44 EDT 2007

Lo que dijo Negroponte con respecto a ese artículo de NY Times
sobre la cancelación de programas de laptops en EU.


# To the Editor:
# Laptop pilot programs in Maine, Brazil and Cambodia, to name a
# few places, have demonstrated that children use technology to
# explore, create and share ideas with others. Yes, kids are going
# to play video games and sometimes download adult content, but
# that´s part and parcel of living in a free and open society. It´s
# up to parents and teachers to help children learn how to evaluate
# different types of content.
# It will be a tragedy if your article influences other schools
# not to invest in technology. While other countries are investing
# in laptops for their students, the United States is in danger of
# moving backward.
# We live in an information age, and it is time for the United
# States to infuse computing and technology into every aspect of
# learning.
# It will be an even bigger tragedy if developing nations are
# influenced by our bad example, because these countries have no
# libraries, books are too expensive and teachers are scarce.
# We need children to participate actively in their own learning.
# Connected, low-cost, rugged laptops are one way to do it.
# Nicholas Negroponte Cambridge, Mass., May 4, 2007 The writer, the
# founding director of the M.I.T. Media Laboratory, is the founder
# and chairman of One Laptop Per Child.

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